The set up for Typo seemed to be 'save the best for last'. Over the 3 day conference, I found Saturdays speakers to be the best of all, and nothing could beat Chip Kidd. His tales of his projects, how he'd arrived at the final outcome, and including the ones that had become 'failed' projects was very insightful coming from such a well regarded designer. Other highlights included the project of the King of Ghana's visual identity, Pixar's process of creating movies (especially how they consider lighting, colour and mood to evoke emotions in the viewer) and Eva-Lotta's process of creating sketch notes. Her London UX sketch evenings are a great idea, and I will be going along to the next one I can. Jeff Faulkner from Xbox had a very interesting talk about the future of UX design, it was packed full of thought provoking points, and one I will be watching the video of again. The speakers are such a creative bunch and I got a lot of inspiration from their talks. My day-to-day working environment is very data orientated so was nice to be encouraged in the direction of the softer stuff - how to create emotional responses in people, and how valuable this is in the design process. I met a few interesting UX people, although I do wish conferences would provide food to encourage more networking as it's more difficult to meet people when everyone disperses for breaks outside of the venue. But other than that, we had a great few days and I am looking forward to putting these things into practice!
Image: Eva Lotta's talk on sketchnotes. Credit: TYPOworkspace